How Clutter Affects Health

by May 15, 2016Self Care, Bathroom

What an up and down week of weather in southeast Wisconsin. Winter is still trying to stick around with some reassuring signs of summer.

Personally, I have been feeling drained and exhausted which is not typical of my energy level during this season transition time.

After discovering I was avoiding my living room where I spend time with Matt and the kids, it dawned on me: The clutter surrounding our family space is draining my energy. My husband and I moved the kids’ toys, that have been stored in the basement, to our living space while we have the basement painted.

There are 3 Health Benefits to being organized and simplifying our daily routines.

  1. More Energy

Having clutter drains energy. Stagnant energy builds up around clutter and causes tiredness and lethargy.

  1. Improved Health

People with limited clutter look and feel better. They are typically more active and have a fresh face. Clutter congests your home and your body.

  1. Reduced Depression

Stagnant energy surrounding clutter pulls you down. Feelings of hopelessness can be relieved by clearing the clutter. Clearing the clutter allows you to make room for something new and fresh.

This weekend we will focus on clutter reduction in the living room. We will make it a family event and have the kids decide which toys can be passed on to a charity or another child will help to reduce the toys.

Think about what you can improve in your home and routines that will give you some much needed energy and lift your spirits.


Organizing is a process, not a destination. Top Shelf Home Organizing can help you on your journey.