Are you spending too much money? Working too many hours? Doing too many things at one time and not paying attention to what (who) matters most? This month is the time to refocus on you, who you are and what you are grateful for. Here are a couple ideas on self care to get you refocused.
1. Reset
Rest is not negotiable when it comes to your well-being. When is the last time you felt well rested for a solid week or even a couple days? Not being well rested makes your body out of sync. Your appetite soars and you become short fused. These feelings are not good for you and the people you love. Build your schedule and routine around a day of rest. Set aside a full day to do nothing, disconnect and just be. It will make the rest of your week more productive and your relationships stronger.
2. Disconnect
Learning how to be alone and disconnect helps us connect with others. Constantly checking emails, social media feeds and other messages gives us the feeling of being connected when in reality we are alone. Being glued to the phone while the kids are playing at the park disconnects you from watching, growing and learning from your kids. Times of awkwardness at a social gathering or avoiding small talk with someone new causing you to pull out your phone so you appear to be busy is a distraction that leaves you in a state of loneliness. Learning how to be without connection to the world for a day, a couple hours, or just while waiting in a line somewhere will help you rejuvenate, focus on what relationships matter and be the best you.
3. Simplify
Self-care is challenging when you are drowning in stuff, lists and schedules. Self-care is taking care of your soul, not your stuff. Simplifying your schedule, saying no to opportunities, and reducing the stuff you own, frees your mind to focus on your well-being. Respecting your time is doing something right, not necessarily 10 things efficiently, but half-heartedly. Recognizing a habit, idea or a place that is no working for you is a start to self-care. Clear off your desk or declutter your bedroom and recognize how it makes you feel. Say ‘No’ to an opportunity and recognize when a relationship is not fitting to you. Take a mental note of how it frees your mind. Forget about keeping up and make a point to have, do and schedule what is best for you.
4. Take Care of You
Caring for your body is the most important factor in self-care. Caring for your well-being pulls all of the self-care ideas together. You are in complete control of what you do to your body from food to exercise. Choose exercise that is fitting for you; something that you can maintain, is sustainable and is easy for you to do. Improve your diet by making simple changes. Add some vegetables to your morning smoothie, think about whether you need that second cup of coffee, drink water and talk back to cravings.