Being More ProductiveProductivity is all about being efficient and accomplishing more in less time. Schedule your day to be the most efficient you can be by having a plan for every day.

Here are a few tips to make the most of your day whether you work in your home, run a business, or work for a large company.

  1. Difficult Tasks
    Schedule your most difficult, undesirable tasks for the time of day when you are most focused. For many, this time is first thing in the morning. And doesn’t if feel good to get it out of the way?
  2. Meetings
    Prepare, review and stick to a meeting agenda to ensure everyone stays on topic. Issues that may come up during a meeting can wait to be discussed at a later time with only the people involved. Set up video conferencing equipment ahead of the meeting so you can tackle the agenda on time and save everyone valuable minutes with each meeting.
  3. Communication
    Schedule a couple times in your day where you devote time to checking and responding to emails, voicemails and messages. Having a set time to do this will help you avoid being interrupted throughout the day, and keep you focused on the project you intend to accomplish.  Also, use the phone to communicate more often versus the never ending back and forth of email and other messaging communications.
  4. Breaks
    Schedule blocks of breaks throughout your day to keep your mind fresh.
  5. Me Time
    Schedule me time every day. Taking time first thing in the morning to focus on your health and faith will get your day off to a good start.
  6. Checklists
    Use a checklist for daily repetitive tasks. This will keep you focused and help minimize errors in the tasks you do everyday. Also, create a weekly checklist to help keep your week on task, so you can accomplish your goals. Create your weekly checklist at the end of the previous work week so your week is off to a strong, focused start.
  7. Work Space
    Keep your work space neat and organized to ensure focus. Keep only the current project on your desk. If it makes sense, plan certain tasks to be completed offsite or at home. Offsite work allows for focus without the office interruptions and can save commute time.

If scheduling and organizing are challenging, a professional organizer can help.  See if Top Shelf Home Organizing can help you on your journey.  Contact Jayme to schedule a consult or chat about organizing.